As we celebrate Fathers in my neck of the woods, it also serves as a little walk down memory lane for myself as well! Many of you are newer around here and might not know much about how this little ol’ business of mine got started in the first place, so let me share a story and brief history.

So what does all of this have to do with Fathers day you might be wondering?

Well I launched my first ever magical cleaning course live on Fathers day back in 2018. It is pretty memorable because I remember that one of my exciting personal “WHY’s” was location freedom while I worked. I mean isn’t that any mother of  5 young (then) childrens dream?!

So in my typical stubborn fashion, I not only launched my first ever live course, but also had planned a day trip about 3 hours out of town to a fossil park and beach.

An hour in, still working away while driving, my phone screen goes black. I had no CRM, there was no one to answer questions, or fix errors. IT WAS JUST ME, what have I voluntarily done to myself? I panic and insist we have to find somewhere for me to plug in my laptop and let people know what is happening. So my super thrilled family decide on a slightly earlier than planned lunch, my husband was an absolute champ and Fathers day MVP that year and many more.

WHY, why is this happening to me, right now?!?!

Why did this happen to my phone which miraculously worked several hours later?

Was the universe sending me a message here?

I can’t say for certain what that was all about, but I can say that after 5 years of WitchyThyme is that I have had a silly amount of calls to action from the universe assuring me that this is what I am supposed to be here and doing for better or worse some days.

Entrepreneurship, especially in the realm of the holistic, spiritual, and coaching is a bit chaos filled! That first ever course launch taught me so many great lessons, the most important one being adaptability.

I spent those first few years heavily focused on teaching magical cleaning amongst other services all in the digital world, but it often felt like a passion project. I didn’t show up the way I wanted to for those who could use help and especially my community. It felt like this quiet little thing I did when I wasn’t working multiple other jobs and mom life.

So after a few years, cue 2021, I had accomplished all the success I thought I was supposed to. I had healed myself in many ways, had a fulfilling job in nonprofit education, and had moved into a home much better for my family just down the road and yet I was not fulfilled.

So the universe went from sending me subtle nudges that I was veering from doing the work that was most in alignment with me spiritually.

I started collaborating and teaching more, showing up in my masterminds, but it wasn’t until this same time in 2022 that I would get probably the biggest push of them all. It was time to stop going unseen in my local community. As a certified tarot reader, astrologist, herbalist, educator, & coach with an educational background in Social work there was no good reason for not helping those who lived closest to me!

So I set out on this new path, joined my local chamber of commerce, vended my first local street festival, and have had the honor of meeting so many amazing people since. I still have my moments of being a bit more solitary than I should, but I honor that, and don’t let it keep me from showing up.

More skills of adaptability showing up!

Things have not exactly been according to plan since the start of 2023, but that is because of many unexpected personal adventures. I went on my first trip ever without another soul I knew present to Salem, MA in early February.

I came back inspired, forward thinking, and that led to another unplanned surprise. A week after returning home I was suddenly house hunting to purchase our first home, which if you’ve ever been through the process, you know how that next 90 days or so went. I’m still only maybe half way unpacked and got a jungle of poison ivy to wage war on, but I’M HERE!

I have the magic of intuition, a little astrology in my back pocket, and learning to live in harmony with our natural cycles to thank for both all the chaos and unexpected blessings.

This has me doing a little bit of reorganizing what WitchyThyme looks like now, it’s a bit different than how I initially envisioned it during last summer. That’s why being adaptable in life and your dreams can really make or break your ability to live an aligned life.

While I always suspect Hermes is messing with my tech and communications, I think whatever that extra thing out there guiding me was then and now was just preparing me for the long game.

As we head into the season of Litha and this Summer Solstice, we are midway through the year. This is a great time for taking action, but also reflecting.

Have you strayed from your intentions or the path you set out on?

What lessons can you take from this to be intentional rocking the next half of the year?

Local to Central Ohio or visiting? Come find me vending, see the next event details below.