Are You A Household Dragon?

Are you a dragon? I think I might be… Stuff in my space impacts me, like a lot, but simultaneously having stuff put away bothers me. Every single day I create nests, I like to have everything I am going to ever need for the day all out and around me… When things are...

Unexpected Return to Old Ways

Covid-19 has been declared a world wide pandemic, when I first read about what was happening in local stores and the consumerism driven panic, I thought the news was just being dramatic and people being irrational.  As I walked around stores that were out of...

Daily Rituals In A Modern Witch World

In our currently fast paced,busier than ever society, it is really hard for anyone to establish daily rituals. However, this is a great opportunity for adding some daily magic to your lives. We have talked about the importance of daily rituals in the past, today is...

Pisces and Your Home

Many people think to incorporate the seasons into their home decor, but what about the zodiac? Decorating and arranging things in my home in such a way that it is comfortable and magical is something I definitely love. I love it so much that I have taken to doing the...

The beginning of February

The first few days of February marks many different traditions depending on where you live and what you believe! As a kid, we celebrated groundhogs day. I never really gave much thought to the magic entwined in this day as a kid, but knew I was really excited to see...

Cleaning and the Aquarius New Moon

This week we have a new moon in aquarius which got me thinking about how you can apply that knowledge to you some of your everyday magic making. Some of the things associated with this new moon are feelings of change, freedom, and feeling unbound. This is coming after...

Magical Blockages

While better studying my personal patterns,both here at Witchy Thyme and in my personal life I am learning new things about how I work in the big old witchy woo world. I am realizing that there are times that I don’t feel very connected to my magic making and it...

Seasons Bounty

I love this time of year in the northern hemisphere, there is fresh and local food everywhere. In my neck of the woods, the corn is getting tall and leaves have been falling pretty regularly. I feel that our connection with nature is never stronger, this cycle of life...

Back to School for the Witchy Mama

As summer is winding down, our witchlings are also returning to school, in fact mine went back last week! This is a busy time full of action for all involved which can increase things like stress and anxiety in the home. Here are some tips: Get organized, but don’t...

Your House has a Soul

As the title may suggest, I truly believe every house has a soul and while the above image is so much fun, this is not what it looks like. I am going to talk about what messages your home may have for you. A house is a lot like a machine in some regards and obviously...