This week we have a new moon in aquarius which got me thinking about how you can apply that knowledge to you some of your everyday magic making.

Some of the things associated with this new moon are feelings of change, freedom, and feeling unbound. This is coming after a period of almost feeling the opposite of a time when you may have felt more confined. After this new moon, we are just a week and a day out before Imbolc arrives. I think this new moon energy really goes hand in hand with some of the energy we are going to see with Imbolc. February is maple sugar season around my neck of the woods and something about it all just really kicks off spring fever and that desire to do all the things.

So what does this mean for Lunar cleaning, I think that when you look ahead to what is going on astrologically and with the moon, it can help you have better success in your magical cleaning. You might want to tackle more things than are realistic, you might be a little scattered, it could be difficult to see projects through and knowing all of this is half the battle.  

New moons are generally good for setting intentions and looking at what you want to manifest. With this new moon, I think that it is particularly a good time to look at what change you want to manifest in your daily rituals. It is a good time to take a good look at any resolutions you might have set for yourself at the beginning of the calendar year. Here are some questions you can ask yourself about previous intentions:

-Are you still working on these

-Are they inline with what you want to manifest now

-Did they fall to the side and maybe you want to rededicate yourself to them

This is a great time to meditate and visualize what you can change to feel lighter and free in your home. Spend some time this week and think about how you might want to prepare for Imbolc as well. Between Imbolc and this Aquarius New Moon, it starts to feel like a great time to spring into action and get ready. 

It can be very easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the feelings you might start to experience in the weeks to come which is why looking ahead and making some plans are really important. Stay grounded, set some epic intentions this Friday, hopefully include some daily magical cleaning rituals or decluttering in the mix, and then start getting ready for Imbolc!

Things to be on the lookout for here at WitchyThyme:
I have my free magical cleaning checklist here on the site, a bonus Imbolc guide will go out this Sunday! Additionally, I am working on a 5 day challenge to kick off on Monday 1/27/20 which I will be announcing over on my Facebook page later this week with all the fun details!